Friday, March 25, 2011

The job of a music publicist...

So rumors have now appeared on the Internet of Chris Browns publicist quitting. Now, why this may be true (which I don't know if I were her I necessarily would, seems a bit to soon) it brings to light the job of the music publicist.

(The story of my life at the shows I attend. I always feel so old! circa Winter 2007)

For those of you who don't know, my interest in Public Relations (or I guess just my interest in life) rests in music. I've known this since about 8th grade/freshman year in high school, whether it was at first music journalist, then running my own venue, to finally publicity, it was always where my passion has been. People seem to confuse the idea of being a celebrity publicist and a music publicist sometimes, hence the confussion of Chris Brown's publicist.

Music publicists are signed on to get publicity for a CD, tour, music video, etc. things that deal with the musician themselves. Sometimes things happen (i.e Chris Brown) and for that, if it doesn't involve their music, they probably have a different publicist, or their manager, that will step in a take care of what happened.

And that my dear classmates/readers, is what happened here. According to TMZ, Chris Brown's publicist, Tammy Brook, term ended. In her statement she says

"I am an entertainment/music publicist and was hired as a publicist, as they often are, to work specifically on his music publicity for the term up to the release of Chris Brown's F.A.M.E. album, which was released on Tuesday March 22 and is entering the Billboard and iTunes charts at number 1 this week."

All of which you just read here! So before you read about it everywhere online, and talk about it in every single one of you PR classes, you now will know the difference between Chris Brown's publicist, and lets say, Charlie Sheen's (YIKES!)

Till next time!



  1. This is an interesting case study. For one, Brown is acting like her term ended with the release of the CD, but usually, publicists and/or agencies are hired for a long period of time afterwards to handle the media tracking, write reports or perform case studies. I have to think that this case was no exception, but Chris Brown pulling a Sheen on GMA was a huge incentive for Brooke to get out.

    Like any big name company, a celebrity sort of takes on the allure and prestige of one - like "Chris Brown Enterprises." His personal publicist/manager functions as the in-house portion of Brown's communications, while an agency (or publicist in this case) helps with the consumer PR, even if it is just for certain events/tasks (i.e CD release, concert event, television/radio appearances, etc...)

    Brown certainly has all eyes on him right now; the discussion on the previous water cooler topics has subsided (in some cases, that includes Charlie Sheen). It didn't help that Rihanna-gate was not too long ago and evidently, people have not forgotton. Hopefully, his talent will win out and he will be remember for his talent (like say, Michael Jackson after his death) because at a young age, he has a lot of marks against him. Any PR practitioner right now would get nervous taking him on as a client (even if they follow through anyways...)

  2. hey heather, i really enjoyed reading your blog. I am just like you. I have a huge passion for music and want to be a music publicist. And reading this blog really shows the difference between a publicist and a music publicist and i think it great to get people to understand it. Chris Brown was so stupid to do what he did but if I was his music publicist i would just look at Itunes and say hey i am doing a great job for him. I hope people take in consideration the difference and really go for what type of PR they want. Its important to know and understand what is your focus so not only for yourself but your client too.

  3. Dealing with celebrity clients is a huge undertaking. Especially ones that always find themselves in sticky situations. Dealing with your own moral ethics and wanting to get a head in the PR game- it can be a daunting decision.

    I think its interesting that we all get the opportunity to study these celebrity situations from a safe and far distant. Wouldn't it be cool to have a celebrity publicist come in to talk to us about all this? GET TO WORK MOROSOFF! haha :)

  4. I really enjoyed reading this post Heather. When it comes to celebrities in general they feel like they have no shame. When they get themselves into a situation they think noone is going to find our or car....WRONG. Celebrity publicists are always at the celebrities beckon call, but I can see it becoming too much.

  5. I, for one, had no idea that there was a difference between a music publicist and a regular publicist. I know that sometimes, companies and individuals will hire on extra publicist for different thing, but I didn't know that there was a specific job title for that niche. Regardless of our opinion on the music publicist quitting, I think that it is great, Heather, that you put the difference betwee publicists out there.

  6. I feel like this sounds cliche to say, but I used to only want to be a music publicist. My dream job was working for Roc-A-Fella Records (Island Def Jam), then Jay-Z sold it and I guess I never really payed it any mind afterward. Don't get me wrong I wasn't just interested in the company because of who owned it, I just kept hearing how competitive it was and considering I was unsure of my major, that dream was pushed back. After reading your blog however, it reminds me that I continually come back to the same dream job that I'd always want. Not too many people know that there is a difference, and I think it's great that you've portrayed that in this post. Regardless, Chris Brown just comes with a lot of "drama" and unnecessary publicity stunts at times and just like Alex said, it was probably a good time that Brooke got out when she did.

  7. I've never really taken the time to think of the differences between a music publicist and a regular publicist. I thought this was an interesting post. Music is a common interest with everyone I feel, although some people are more passionate than others. I think you make a good point in showing the difference between Chris Brown's publicist and his 'Music's' publicist.
