Monday, February 7, 2011

Every Barbie Needs Her Ken...

Hello world (and my PR 107 class) and welcome to my blog. Not sure exactly what shape this blog will take, but I'm going to take it post by post, and share my PR journey and my thoughts on certain campaigns with you through out the semester.

To kick things off I wanted to share with you a campaign that has really caught my eye the last couple days.

Now I'm not sure if many of you know this, but Barbie and Ken broke up in 2004 ( I know what you're thinking, if they can't make it how will anyone!) Barbie left Ken for a new Australian surfer hunk named Blaine. But good news for all of you, Ken is trying to win Barbie back! (Check out the video above to see Ken finding Barbie on
He went through a huge transformation and is now sharing all of his and Barbie's favorite spots via social networks.
(what a hunk)

Throughout the website you can see this history of Barbie and Ken, watch the Hulu show "Genuine Ken", and follow your favorite plastic toys on Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare (Check out below for links to both of their sites). Through these Ken is sharing his favorite activities that he used to do with Barbie, their favorite places, and much more. After this (or before if you just can't wait) you can vote if Barbie should take back Ken.

Barbie and Ken in Toy Story 3

I, personally, think this campaign is great. It uses all of the popular social networking sites to reintroduce you to Ken and Barbie. I love being able to follow their stories through the social media, and best of yet, this is just in time for Valentine's Day!

So what do you think? Should Barbie take back Ken? Or are they better off apart?

Till next time!